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Grizzly Racing T-Shirt.  Dan Haggerty and Bill Carter, "Grizzly Racing".  Grizzly Racing was a huge success as a Top Fuel Dragster team winning Orange County International Raceway.  The Top Fuel Dragster team with Bill Carter at the wheel was a fan favorite from the very begining because of the hit television show "Grizzly Adams" with Dan Haggerty.  Bill Carter and Dan Haggerty's friendship was legendary and lasted more than 40 years.  This T-Shirt is not a recreation but the original from the Greg Tedder Illustration design from 1983 that Bill Carter had saved for more than 37 years.  If you missed getting one in 1983 and 1984 or you simply wore yours out after all these years, here is your chance to get another one.  Limited production.  Printed on the exact same Gildan Ultra Cotton T-Shirts from 1983. 100% Cotton.  Small through 3XL.     

Grizzly Racing Shirt

$25.00 Regular Price
$20.00Sale Price
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